Both men and women take dressing for a date seriously. It is important as how you look reflects your personality and well being. Dressing well shows you care and have a sense of style and loads of self esteem. The secret is in doing it just right neither too much nor too little.
Sloppy is out and stylish in. Dress for a date well let you whole being reflect your very nature and personal verve. You must be attractive, appealing, and well groomed. Never don something that is not you. It is a date not a fancy dress ball. Luscious red lips, tight pants, or metal belts are out if you are no gigolo or tart. Dressing sexy will just scare your date away.
Men must make an effort to shave, shower, and style their hair before a date. Women on the other hand must choose an outfit as well as make up and accessories with great care. The first impression tends to remain etched in memory for a long time so do things right and your date will be a great success.
Never rush out and buy a new outfit for a date. Wear clothes that make you seem confident, relaxed, and fabulous. Choose an outfit that is you and enhances your best features. Women must avoid hairy armpits, scuffed heels, chipped nails, or flying hair. Men must take care of details like dirty finger nails, body odor, greasy hair, nasal hair, dry skin, and socks with holes in them .The list can be endless but you have an idea of what must not be done.
The important Dos are:
o Choose a stylish outfit -one that is well cut and flatters your body type and coloring.
o Have clean hands and well manicured nails.
o Dress appropriately for the date if it's a picnic then jeans and top or t-shirt, if it is a formal dinner then a nice dress or skirt and so on.
o Wear a subtle cologne or perfume and always shower before a date.
o Wear clean footwear and carry with you clean handkerchief too.
The Don'ts are:
o Avoid being loud.
o Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
o Never wear a new clothes or shoes. These can make you uncomfortable if they pinch or have starch in them.
o Never fidget and constantly adjust your clothing.
o Try not to copy models you see in glossies. Be yourself and dress for the date according to your body type. Avoid ill fitting or tight clothes.
o Do not experiment with new cosmetics or perfumes.
Choose an outfit with clean and simple lines. Wear something that will boost your self confidence and get people to notice you.
If you are the friendly type make an extra effort and while planning you date talk casually about what both of you should wear. This will avoid the embarrassment of one of you being casual and the other formal.
Remember style is defined by fashion gurus as "a distinctive way of doing something, a fashionable way of living, graceful manners and distinctive appearance."
Do your best and have a great date.
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